I started the day with an impromptu Skype session with the fam!! It was great to see them!! Gave them a quick tour of my apartment via webcam and talked a little about my first full day in Ulsan. It's so crazy to think that I'm gonna be here a whole year, and won't be back in MN until next August. It still feels almost like I'm on vacation, and I'll see them again next week. Not the case. Still hard to wrap my mind around living abroad for so long. Thursday was a lot of the same school wise. I desk warmed all day, which gave me a lot of time to work on my introduction powerpoint. I left school fairly early, at about 3, and went straight home. Not having anything to really do or prep for school (powerpoint done!) I decided to venture into main Ulsan. I'm in a really nice neighborhood in Seongan Dong, yet I'm still pretty far from most civilization. I almost feel like I'm on an island, looking into main Ulsan.
A is where my school is located. My apartment is about where the top of the J is in "Jung-Gu". There's only one main road that leads into the rest of Ulsan and Seongan Dong is up on a hill. Like I said: island. |
My adventure took me into old downtown, which took about 45 minutes on foot. I could have taken the bus, but A) I don't know which bus is which, and B) the buses terrify me. Walking down the hill was a bit scary, as there was tons of traffic and only a few cinder blocks separating me from it. On the 45 minute walk, and even strolling through the covered markets, I did not see ONE other foreigner. I think it finally hit me then; I'm not in Minnesota anymore. Up until now, I had been surrounded by foreigners, both at the hostel in Seoul and at orientation in Daejeon. I was now alone. It was a real eye-opener on just how far away from home I really am. It's absolutely terrifying, yet extremely liberating to be this independent. It's going to be a very interesting year.
From what I saw, old downtown was so fun! I ended up making it to the covered markets, and purchased a few more un-necessary items. Another Korean shirt, a headband, and nail polish remover! Less than 15,000 Won altogether! Score! Also found a cat cafe (!!) and heard Gangnam Style more times within a 50 foot radius than I had since arriving in Korea. I headed back after about an hour and a half of exploring. Found my way without a map, and stumbled on yet again another gorgeous view of Ulsan!
I could get used to this view.
Another great day in Ulsan! Onto the weekend!
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